Tuesday, 26 November 2013

WEEK 6 & 7

Sketch plans and Initial Technical considerations

I focused on producing plans in the last two weeks since the deadline for the project was fast approaching and I felt I had made clear my position with the explorations that I did earlier. The technical aspects of the project focus on the structure of the 'threads' which will be steel cables and the general construction strategy. Another major aspect was the fact that I planned on making the 'threads becomes the actual partition of spaces.

Technical sketches

Sketch of plans and sections

On the issue of enclosure of the spaces, I sketched out three different options of how the space could enclosed. The first was practical in the sense that the cables would be left to be the partitions between spaces however it was difficult to determine how the front facade could be temporarily movable. The second was a more conventional approach whereby the 'threads' become mullions with glazing in between, this approach made the design a bit more rigid. The third and potentially, the emergent solution is that the spaces are enclosed in a fully transparent seamless glass box. This appears to work because the quality of the internal are left untouched and the environmental problem of heating and cooling could be tackle through the glazed layer.

Enclosure Options

Tuesday, 12 November 2013



After a few tutorials, I realised that there was a great leap from my very original idea of making connections with threads and the conceptual design exploring the idea of threading spaces together. Therefore I decided to make a practical representation of the idea which emanates from how two different sheets of fabric can be     connected together with threads, I saw the site as a hollow space and the two existing walls as sheets and my intervention being what connects these two 'sheets of fabric' together.
Threading exercise that represents the concept.

Sketches and sketch plans and sections exploring the threading concept

Exploratory models